
   Bosnian cyrillic
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to phrases
Знак n
comp., MS less than sign (The
Знак " n
comp., MS closing quotation mark (The " character)
Знак n
comp., MS at sign (The separator between account names and domain names in Internet e-mail addresses)
Знак " n
comp., MS opening quotation mark (The " character); straight quotation mark (" The " character.")
Знак n
comp., MS less than sign (The < character)
Знак ± n
comp., MS plus or minus sign (The ± character)
Знак { n
comp., MS left brace (The { character)
Знак $ n
comp., MS dollar sign (The $ character)
Знак % n
comp., MS percent sign (The % character)
Знак = n
comp., MS equal sign (The = character)
Знак × n
comp., MS multiplication sign (The × character)
Знак ÷ n
comp., MS division sign (The ÷ character)
Знак < n
comp., MS less than sign (The < character)
Знак ® n
comp., MS registered trademark symbol (The symbol or character used to indicate that a word, phrase, symbol, or design is a registered trademark)
Знак ! n
comp., MS exclamation point (The ! character)
Знак † n
comp., MS dagger (The † character)
Знак & n
comp., MS ampersand (The & character)
Знак > n
comp., MS greater than sign (The > character)
Знак € n
comp., MS euro symbol (The € character)
Знак ¢ n
comp., MS cent sign (The ¢ character)
Знак + n
comp., MS plus sign (The + character, used to indicate addition or a positive number)
Знак ` n
comp., MS acute accent (The ´ character)
Знак n
comp., MS at sign (The separator between account names and domain names in Internet e-mail addresses)
Знак - n
comp., MS minus sign (The – character, based on the width of an uppercase N and used primarily as a connecting element, especially with numbers)
знак ≤ n
comp., MS less than or equal to sign (The ≤ character)
знак ≥ n
comp., MS greater than or equal to sign (The ≥ character)
§ знак n
comp., MS section mark (The § character)
знак / n
comp., MS forward slash (The / character)
знак n
comp., MS character (A letter, number, punctuation mark, or other symbol)
: 17 phrases in 1 subject