
   Spanish English
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gen. class; course
ed. seminar; workshop
ed. commun. tutorial
| práctico
transp. sea pilot
| sobre
commun. IT transmission envelope
| limitaciones
tech. constraints
| a
comp. at
| la
fish.farm. poke line
| producción
chem. producing
| y
gen. and
| al
gen. by
| mercadeo
commer. fin. merchandising
| de
gen. out of
| raíces
horticult. root crops
| tubérculos
econ. root crop
| y
gen. and
| plátanos
health. banana
- only individual words found

to phrases
cursillo m
gen. class; course
ed. seminar; workshop
ed., commun. tutorial
ed., lab.law. period of probation; period of training; stage; training opportunity; training scheme
Cursillo práctico sobre limitaciones a la producción y al mercadeo de raíces , tubérculos y plátanos
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Name of organization1