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gen. inventory
econ. mater.sc. stocktaking
environ. inventory; stocktaking
forestr. forest inventory; forest survey
IT inventory accounting
ling. chart; class; set
| national
IMF. country-owned
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| émissions anthropiques
 émission anthropique
ecol. anthropogenic emission
| par
nat.sc. agric. red pandora
| ses
agric. bran
| sources
tech. fountain
| et
comp. AND
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| l
tech. Length
| absorption
environ. absorption
| par
nat.sc. agric. red pandora
| ses
agric. bran
| puits
UN clim. sinks
| de
earth.sc. Dec
- only individual words found

to phrases
inventaire m
gen. inventory
construct. implements
econ. stock checking
econ., mater.sc. stocktaking
environ. inventory A detailed list of articles, goods, property, etc. (environnement); stocktaking The counting over of materials or goods on hand, as in a stockroom or store (du stock)
forestr. forest inventory; forest survey; cruise; valuation; value
IT inventory accounting
ling. chart; class; set
med. list of holdings
nat.res. inventory (of endangered species)
nucl.phys., OHS inventory taking
pack. stock
textile unsold stock; stocks
inventaires m
corp.gov. inventory control
inventaire national des émissions anthropiques par ses sources et de l 'absorption par ses puits de
: 2 phrases in 1 subject