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FRS adj.
comp., MS, Canada FRS (A service that provides multimaster file replication for designated directory trees between designated servers running Windows Server 2003. The designated directory trees must be on disk partitions formatted with the version of NTFS used with the Windows Server 2003 family. FRS is used by Distributed File System (DFS) to automatically synchronize content between assigned replicas and by Active Directory to automatically synchronize content of the system volume information across domain controllers)
Fr abbr.
gen. Fr; french
 French thesaurus
FR abbr.
abbr., avia. feu rouge; force de réaction
fin. franc
mech.eng. fraisage en roulant
fr. abbr.
abbr., lat. fractus
FR abbr.
abbr. fréquence respiratoire (irip)
abbr., dialys. tournée de service
abbr., patents. France
abbr., soil. ferralsol
Fr abbr.
hydr. nombre de Froude
mech.eng. fraisage
met. francium
Fr. abbr.
abbr. Franc
abbr., mil. forestier
: 7 phrases in 2 subjects
Human rights activism3