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fin. Chief Accountant
gen. accountable; answerable; responsible
econ. accountant
fin. bookkeeper
fin. account. accounting officer
fin. econ. accounting officer and imprest administrator
lab.law. book-keeper; wages clerk
| direct
transp. non-stop train
| du
industr. construct. front
| trésor
econ. Treasury
- only individual words found

to phrases
comptable m
gen. accountable; answerable; responsible
econ. accountant
fin. bookkeeper
fin., account. accounting officer
fin., econ. accounting officer and imprest administrator
lab.law. book-keeper; wages clerk
ling. count; countable
Comptable m
fin. Chief Accountant
comptables m
fin. accounting policies
Comptable systèmes informatiques m
org.name. Systems Accountant
comptable direct
: 1 phrase in 1 subject