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polit. restaurant
gen. put on an even keel
commun. IT restore
comp. recover; undelete
comp., MS roll back; restore
IT tech. clear; reset; restore
| une
commun. front page
| infrastructure
polit. infrastructure
| endommagée
comp., MS corrupted
| ou
comp. OR
| rendue
comp., MS rendering
| dangereuse
transp. hazardous
| pour
patents. with regard to
lui | rendre
law deliver
tout | ou
comp. OR
| partie
gen. contracting party
| de
earth.sc. Dec
| ses
agric. bran
| fonctions premières
 fonction première
commun. prime function
| ou
comp. OR
| pour
patents. with regard to
lui | attribuer
fin. allot
| une
commun. front page
| nouvelle
arts. novel
| fonction
gen. job title
- only individual words found

to phrases
restaurer v
gen. to put on an even keel
automat. rewrite
commun., IT restore
comp. recover; undelete; unerase
comp., MS roll back (To reverse changes); restore (To remove a record or item from the deleted folder and relink it to the record it was linked to before it was deleted)
construct. regenerate; reclaim; recuperate
IT, tech. to clear; to reset; to restore
restauré v
book.bind. restored
restaurant v
polit. restaurant
Restaurer une
: 1 phrase in 1 subject