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chem. rule
econ. legal rule
environ. laws; law
law law; statute; statute law
obs. European law
patents. act
environ. acts
| du
industr. construct. front
11 1 1904 | concernant
 concernant ...
gen. in relation to ...
| l
tech. Length
| établissement
econ. establishment
| l
tech. Length
| exploitation
fin. management
| et
comp. AND
| l
tech. Length
| usage
patents. utilization
| des
earth.sc. Dec
| télégraphes
econ. telegraph
| et
comp. AND
| des
earth.sc. Dec
- only individual words found

to phrases
loi f
chem. rule
econ. legal rule
environ. laws individual; law individual, One of the rules making up the body of law
law law; statute; statute law
obs. European law
patents. act
lois f
environ. acts
polit. laws legislation (législation); laws (legislation, législation)
Loi du 11- 1 -1904 concernant l'établissement l'exploitation et l'usage des télégraphes et des t
: 1 phrase in 1 subject