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econ. audit
environ. monitoring
 έλεγχος F
math. F-test
 έλεγχος Friedman
math. Friedman's test
 έλεγχος Gart
math. Gart's test
 έλεγχος Gehan
math. Gehan test
 έλεγχος Greenhouse-Geisser
math. Greenhouse-Geisser test
 έλεγχος HKA
math. Hudson-Kreitman-Aguade test; HKA test
 έλεγχος Kamat
math. Kamat's test

to phrases
έλεγχος m
gen. safety audit; screening
commun. verification
comp., MS auditing (The process an operating system uses to detect and record security-related events, such as an attempt to create, to access, or to delete objects such as files and directories. The records of such events are stored in a file known as a security log, whose contents are available only to those with the proper clearance); control (Management of a computer and its processing abilities so as to maintain order as tasks and activities are carried out. Control applies to measures designed to ensure error-free actions carried out at the right time and in the right order relative to other data-handling or hardware-based activities)
dat.proc. supervision
econ. audit
environ. monitoring To check regularly in order to perceive change in some quality or quantity; audit The periodic or continuous verification of the accounts, assets and liabilities of a company or other organization, often to confirm compliance with legal and professional standards; test To carry out an examination on (a substance, material, or system) by applying some chemical or physical procedure designed to indicate the presence of a substance or the possession of a property
industr., construct., met. inspection
IT check; desk checking
IT, dat.proc. checking
math. control
med. monitoring; test
social.sc., transp., mech.eng. indicating
stat. editing
transp. check out
έλεγχος Cramэr-von Mises m
math. Cramer-von Mises test; omega square test; Wnup 2 test
έλεγχος t m
stat. Student's t-test; t-test
Έλεγχος mail m
comp., MS Mail Control (The primary navigation tab for mailflow management features in Outlook Live: Transport rules, called "rules" in Outlook Live service; Supervision policies, including closed campus supervision policy and bad words supervision policy, and anti-bullying supervision policy; IP safelisting; Domain types: hosted or shared)
de facto έλεγχος m
fin. de facto control
έλεγχος F m
math. F-test
έλεγχος Gehan m
math. Gehan test
έλεγχος HKA m
math. Hudson-Kreitman-Aguade test; HKA test
έλεγχος Kolmogorov-Smirnov m
math. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
έλεγχος log-rank m
math. log-rank test
έλεγχος Monte Carlo m
math. Monte Carlo test
έλεγχος Mauchly m
math. test for sphericity; Mauchly test
έλεγχος bootstrap m
math. bootstrap test
s-έλεγχος m
math. chi-squared test; s-test
έλεγχος D'Agostino m
math. D'Agostino's test
έλεγχος log-rank m
math. Mantel-Haenszel test
έλεγχος F m
math. variance ratio test
έλεγχος Shapiro-Wilk m
stat. Shapiro-Wilk test; Shapiro-Wilks test
έλεγχος Terry-Hoeffding m
stat. Terry-Hoeffding test
έλεγχος WAGR m
stat. WAGR test
έλεγχος Watson-Williams m
stat. Watson-Williams' test
έλεγχος Levene m
stat. Levene's test
έλεγχος Watson-Williams m
stat. Williams' test
έλεγχος David-Barton m
stat., scient. David-Barton test
έλεγχος Freud-Ansari m
stat., scient. Freund-Ansari test
έλεγχος Gabriel m
stat., scient. Gabriel's STP; Gabriel's test
έλεγχος K m
stat., scient. K-test
έλεγχος Mann-Whitney m
stat., scient. Mann-Whitney test
έλεγχος Newman-Keuls m
stat., scient. Newman-Keuls test
Έλεγχος m
gen. Checking
έλεγχος περιορισμός του κυκλοφοριακού θορύβου m
environ. traffic noise control
έλεγχος Friedman m
math. Friedman's test
έλεγχος Gart m
math. Gart's test
έλεγχος Greenhouse-Geisser m
math. Greenhouse-Geisser test
έλεγχος Kamat m
math. Kamat's test
έλεγχος Kruskal-Wallis m
math. Kruskal-Wallis test
έλεγχος Mann-Kendall m
math. Mann-Kendall test
έλεγχος Terry m
math. Terry's test
έλεγχος van der Waerden m
math. van der Waerden's test
έλεγχος Capon m
math. Capon test
έλεγχος CSM m
math. CSM test
έλεγχος Pitman-Morgan m
stat. Pitman-Morgan test
έλεγχος Siegel-Tukey m
stat. Siegel-Tukey test
έλεγχος V N m
stat. VN test
έλεγχος Wald-Wolfowitz m
stat. Wald-Wolfowitz test
έλεγχος Dunnett m
stat. Dunnett's test
έλεγχος Cramér-von Mises m
stat. Wn² test
έλεγχος C.S.M. m
stat., scient. C.S.M.test
έλεγχος Fisher-Irwin m
stat., scient. Fisher-Irwin test
έλεγχος g m
stat., scient. g-test
έλεγχος Hodges-Ajne m
stat., scient. Hodges-Ajne's test
έλεγχος Mann-Kendal m
stat., scient. Mann-Kendall test
έλεγχος Moses m
stat., scient. Moses test
 Greek thesaurus
έλεγχος bootstrap abbr.
abbr., math. اختبار التكيس (اختبار شريط الحذاء)
: 2319 phrases in 62 subjects
Animal husbandry4
Corporate governance1
Criminal law1
Data processing1
Earth sciences24
Energy industry3
Fish farming pisciculture1
Food industry1
Government, administration and public services5
Health care53
Hobbies and pastimes1
Human rights activism5
Immigration and citizenship10
Information technology283
International trade2
Labor law8
Labor organization1
Life sciences34
Materials science18
Mechanic engineering80
Natural sciences16
Nuclear physics6
Obsolete / dated1
Pharmacy and pharmacology4
Procedural law2
Social science4
Waste management1
Work flow7