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gen. bat-minded; confined; contracted; cramp; cramped; dim-witted
amer. inf. dumb
| умовою
comp., MS criteria

adjective | verb | to phrases
обмежений adj.
gen. bat-minded; confined; contracted (про погляди тощо); cramp; cramped (про людину); dim-witted; doltish; exhaustible; finite; hidebound; illiberal; incapacious; incomprehensive; insular; jejune; limitary; limited; little; local; low-minded; meagre; narrow-minded (про людину); modest; narrow; narrow-spirited; one-ideaed (про людину); one-sided; parochial; petty; pinched; provincial; pure; qualified; restrained; restricted; restrictive; scant; shallow; shallow-brained (про людину); shallow-pated (про людину); simple; simple-minded; small; small-minded; specific; stingy; straitened; stuffy; temperate (про владу); tempered (про форму влади); terminate; uncapacious (про розум); uncomprehensive; visionless; dull; scanty (мізерний)
account. tight
amer., inf. dumb; half-cocked; two-by-four
bus.styl. close
derog. suburban; suburbian
dipl. myopic
dipl., amer. brush-fire
econ. pent in; pent up; scanty
fr. borne
inf. narrow-gauge; one-track
IT bound; bounded; conservative
law particular; constrained; entailed; partial; insufficient (недостатній – про ресурси тощо); qualified (із застереженнями); subject to
mil. small-scale
O&G marginal
обмежити v
gen. abridge (Brücke)
IT bound; constrain; to place a limit; to place restrictions; truncate (ряд, систему рівнянь тощо); place a limit; place restrictions
law circumscribe (права тж); curtail; estop (право на заперечення); limit; qualify; restrain; restrict
O&G locate
обмежено v
gen. meagrely
IT restrictedly
law partially
: 32 phrases in 7 subjects
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