
   Ukrainian English
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gen. amalgamate; band; bandy; blend; combine; consociate
comp., MS bundle
| у
gen. among
| групи
math. ensemble

об'єднувати v
gen. amalgamate (підприємства); band; bandy; blend; combine; consociate; consolidate; embody (включати); imband (людей); incorporate; merge (підприємства тощо); patch up; rally; religate; solder; unify; unionize; unite; join; draw together (collect: In conclusion, I want to draw together the main themes of this essay. andriy f)
bus.styl. merge
comp., MS bundle (To combine products for sale as a lot. Frequently, operating system software and some widely used applications are bundled with a computer system for sale)
dipl. amalgamate; embody; merge (банки; підприємства тощо)
fig. weld
IT aggregate; coalesce (у довільному порядку); collate; pool
microel. bank
mil. ally (у союз); consolidate (щодо території, товариства); integrate
об'єднуючий v
gen. esemplastic; henotic; unific
об'єднуватися v
account. amalgamate