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comp., MS पोस्ट करें
Office Protocol 3
- only individual words found

adjective | noun | verb | to phrases
posten adj.
comp., MS पोस्ट करें
 German thesaurus
Post f =
railw. Bahnpostwagen
POS abbr.
abbr. Polytechnische Oberschule; polytechnische Oberschule (allgemeinbildende Schule der Klassen 1 bis 10 Ин.яз)
abbr., automat. problemorientierte Software
abbr., commer. point of sale (Brücke)
fin., abbr. Point of Sale System
Pos. abbr.
abbr., gram. Positiv
abbr., phys. Positron
pos v
market. point-of-sale (POS materials - рекламные материалы с места продаж Димон)
POST abbr.
abbr., BrE Power-On Start Test
Post: 2 phrases in 1 subject