
   German English
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gen. bobbin; coil; solenoid
chem. spinning cop
el. electrical coil
| die
tech. those
| zur
gen. at
| Erzeugung
chem. producing
| des
gen. of the
| magnetischen Feldes
 magnetisches Feld
earth.sc. phys.sc. magnetic field
| im
gen. at
| Aufnehmer
gen. pick-up
| dient
gen. conduced
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | to phrases
Spule f =, -n
gen. bobbin; coil (Elektrotechnik); solenoid
agric. hasp
agric., mech.eng. bearing spool; spacing bobbin; spacing spool; spreader spool
chem. spinning cop
el. electrical coil
industr., construct. twist cop; warm cop
meas.inst. coil (winding)
nucl.phys. coil
pack. roll (zum Aufwickeln); coil (zum Aufwickeln); spool (zum Aufwickeln)
tech. choke; inductor; quill; reactor; reel; spool; bobbin coil; cops (Garnaufwicklung); pirn (Gamaufwicklung)
tech., industr., construct. wound package; wound packages
textile package
weap. drum
Spüle f =, -n
gen. sink unit
chem. drainboard (Abtropfbrett); dish board
construct. dishes washing room; dishes-washing room; kitchen sink
mun.plan. slop
tech. rinse; sink
Spülen f
met. sweeping out
spulen f
el. to re-spool
Spulen f
tech., industr., construct. pirn winding
Spule v
industr., construct. tube; pirn
IT, el. stripper fixing pillar
transp. winding
spülen v
gen. swill; flush; flush (out)
construct. wash (reinigen); cleanse
met. flushing
refrig. flush (to)
tech. purge; rinse; scavenge; wash; wash up
Spüle v
construct. slab
Spülen v
environ. flushing; flushing Removing lodged deposits of rock fragments and other debris by water flow at high velocity; used to clean water conduits and drilled boreholes; rinsing The removal of thin layers of surface material more or less evenly from an extensive area of gently sloping land, by broad continuous sheets of running water rather than by streams flowing in well-defined channels; e.g. erosion that occurs when rain washes away a thin layer of topsoil
tech. rinsing
spulen v
gen. spool
tech. rewind; wind
Spül- v
construct. water-jetted; alluvial; hydraulic-fill
Spulen v
gen. bobbins
Spulen Photographie v
gen. spools photography
spulend v
gen. winding
Spulen elektrisch v
gen. coils, electric
spulte v
gen. spooled
Spüler v
gen. scourer
Spule, die
: 13 phrases in 7 subjects
Earth sciences2
High energy physics4