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met. curtaining; double skin; ingot shell; plaster
agric. food.ind. skinning
met. mech.eng. skiving
gen. skin; skim

noun | noun | noun | verb | verb | adjective | to phrases
Schälen m
agric. scratch-ploughing; shallow ploughing; shallow plowing; skim ploughing
med. membranous desquamation
met., mech.eng. Shear-Speed
Schale m =, -n
chem. evaporating dish
commun. literal mistake
construct. shuttering leaf; lined canal; lined ditch; lined trench
industr., construct., met. edge bowl
mech.eng. bearing half; half bearing
med. kidney dish; pus basin
met. double skin
mun.plan. wash basin
Schalen m
met. bottom splash
schal [ʃaːl] m
agric. flat wine
Schals m
gen. scarfs; scarves; shawls; collar protectors
Schal [ʃaːl] m -s, -e
gen. scarf; shawl; muffler
dicke Schals m
patents. mufflers
Schale f =, -n
gen. paring
chem. evaporation cell; vaporization dish; tray (Flachbehälter); shell (siehe auc/r;Atomschale); coat; cover
commun. misprint
math. sheet
met. strand shell
opt. lap (for producing a spherical surface); tray (photography); shell (of electrons)
phys. thin shell; thin slab
Schälen n
agr. stubble breaking
agric. husking (der Nüsse); hulling (der Nüsse); postharvest stubble-breaking
agric., food.ind. skinning
construct. strip barking; paring (Holz)
med. peeling; hulling
met., mech.eng. skiving
mining. ploughing
nat.res. skin ploughing
schälen n
agric. hull; pod; emerge; peck through the shell; peck through the egg-shell; shell (out)
chem. peel; peel off (abschälen); to decorticate
forestr. decorticate
med. to peel; to peel
mining. plough; plough deflector; plough-like scraper
wood. to bark; to strip; to decorticate; to debark; to disbark; to flaw; to flay; to rind; to ross
Schalen n
met. curtaining; double skin; ingot shell; plaster
schälen mit Schälpflug bearbeiten n
gen. skim
schälen Kartoffel n
gen. skin
Schälen v
gen. stubble field skimming (Bearbeitung mit Schälpflug); paring
Schale v
gen. basin; bowl; hull; husk; pod; scarves; shell (Nüsse, Tiere); skin (Obst); carapace; rind of fruit; peel off
agric. peel (einer Frucht); aril; arillus; peelings; shuck; skin; mace; fruit skin (einer Frucht)
archit., design. membrane
astr. shell (of a star)
bot. rind; pee
build.struct. crust; envelope
chem. trough; vat; scale
construct. latten; lath; leaf; skin (Wand); tier; wythe
med. squame; goblet
met. blister; splash; sweat; comer shaling; corner shelling
mining. flake (dünne Gesteinsplatte); scale (dünne Gesteinsplatte); shell
nucl.phys. pan
pack. tray
paleont. periderm; test; brood chamber; brood pouch; shield; corona
tech. dish
schälen v
gen. excoriate; husk; pare; skim (mit Schälpflug bearbeiten); hull (Getreidekörner); shell
construct. debark (Rinde); decorticate (Rinde)
tech. bark
Schalen v
gen. bowls; parings; shells
bot. husk; chaff
schälend v
gen. hulling; husking
Schäler v
gen. parer (Schälpflug)
schälend v
gen. paring
Schäler v
gen. peeler; peeler (Schälmesser)
schälend v
gen. peeling
Schäler v
gen. skimmer (Schälpflug)
schälend v
gen. shelling
Schäler v
amer. skimmer plow (Schälpflug)
schält v
gen. hulls; pares; peels
Schalen- v
agric. cup; bowl; dish
Schale Klappenschale v
gen. key cup wind instrument
Schalen Klauen v
gen. hooves
schälte v
gen. pared; peeled
Schäl- v
agric. hulling; shelling
Schale abgeschält v
gen. peel (peeled)
Schale österr., südd. v
gen. cup
Schälen adj.
agric. stripping; decortication; shelling (der Nüsse)
agric., food.ind. flaying
construct. planing
industr. barking; debarking
met., mech.eng. centreless rough turning
nat.sc. fraying
phys. peeling (off)
Schale adj.
gen. peel (Obst, Gemüse); shoe
chem. capsule
mech.eng. brass
met. scab; shaling; sliver; spill
mun.plan., industr., construct. cup
schälen adj.
agric. skin
Schalen adj.
gen. basins bowls; bowls basins
schal adj.
gen. stalely; vapid; insipid
agric., tech. flat; smooth
amer. moldy
brit. mouldy
busin. stale
chem. tasteless
schaler adj.
gen. stalely
schal Getränk adj.
gen. flat
schaler adj.
gen. more stale
schal < 5 378 32> adj.
winemak. stale < 4 43 32>
schalste adj.
gen. stalest
Edelgasschale adj.
nucl.phys. shell
: 304 phrases in 38 subjects
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