
   German English
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gen. craze; hairline crack; griffith; micro craze
mater.sc. chem. crazing; hair cracks
tech. hair-line crack; microflaw
gen. cracking; weather cracking
| der
gen. that
| Form
gen. formed

to phrases
Haarriss m
gen. craze; hairline crack; griffith; micro craze
agric., industr., construct. hair check
chem. craze (precursor to crack)
construct. microfissure
industr., construct. check
industr., construct., met. sleek
mater.sc., chem. crazing; hair cracks
met. shatter crack; checking (der Form); chrome check
nucl.phys. hair line crack
plast. craze stress crack; mud-crack
tech. hair-line crack; microflaw; capillary fissure; fire crack (Glasuren, Hitze)
Haarriß m ..sses, ..sse
chem. hair seam
construct. crack, craze, fire crack (in mortar); microfissure; hair crack; minute crack; craze; capillary fissure; check (im Stahl bei schnellem Kühlen); fine crack
geol. fissure
met. incipient crack
microel. microflaw
phys. capillary crack; capillary flaw; microcrack
tech. crack; hairline crack; micro crack
Haarrisse m
gen. cracking; weather cracking (wetterbedingt)
ceram. hairlines
met. flakes
tech. crazing
transp. hair cracks
haarriss m
transp., tech. hair crack
: 13 phrases in 4 subjects