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gen. bobble; defect; error; fault; flaw; mistake
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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
Fehler m -s, =
gen. bobble; defect (Mangel); error; fault (Mangel); flaw (Mangel); mistake; nonconformance; slip; boo boo; demerit; failing; noncomformity; blemish; noncomformance product
commun. fault (HW); error (SW, data; GSM 01.04)
commun., tech. hard error; hardware error
comp. fault (technischer)
comp., MS bug (A type of work item that records a potential source of dissatisfaction with the product. The common name of a work item type for tracking code defects); error (A value or condition that is not consistent with the true, specified, or expected value or condition); failed (A state that applies to a resource or a node in a failover cluster or server cluster. A resource or a node is placed in the failed state after a specified number of unsuccessful attempts to bring it online); failure (The inability of a computer system or related device to operate reliably or to operate at all); fault (A programming error that can cause the software to fail)
construct. discontinuity; error (Messgerät)
econ. trip; vice
gear.tr. deviation
grass.hock. breach
inf. booboo; boo-boo; screw-up
IT error event; fault condition
IT, dat.proc. program fault
law bad work
law, ADR glitch
law, econ. error of substance; material error; substantive error
meas.inst. inaccuracy
mech.eng. flaw (im Werkstoff)
med. defect (vitium)
microel. bug (z. B. im Programm); error (z. B. durch Runden); mistake (durch den Menschen hervorgerufen)
mining. stain
nucl.phys. fault
opt. uncertainty; variance; perturbation; aberration; flaw (e.g. in glass)
patents. defect
polygr. slip-up
polym. flaw
reliabil. non conformity
sport, bask. foul
survey. error of closure; closing error; misclosure
tech. blunger; bug; deficiency (technisch); failure; lack; malfunction; shortage; trouble; defect flaw; non-conformance; balk (construction); distortion; error (allgm); fault localization; mistake (Programmierung)
vet.med. deformity
weap. shortcoming
menschlicher Fehler m
comp. mistake
Fehler Haupt- m
tech. major defect
Fehler passiver m
tech. passive fault
sprachlicher Fehler m
gen. solecism
kleiner Fehler m
law, ADR lapse (Irrtum)
Fehler Schmiedestück m
tech. flaw
Fehler! m
tenn. fault!
fehlen v
gen. be absent; be lacking; miss; to be lacking; lapse; to be absent; to be away; to be missing; missing (verschwunden, vermisst werden)
busin. fail
tech. absence
fehlt v
gen. is absent; missing
arts. lacking
fehlte v
gen. lacked; was absent
fehlen Fehler machen v
gen. to misdo
fehlten v
gen. were absent
fehlen Fehler machen, altmodisch v
gen. do wrong
Fehler adj.
agric. non-bacterial disorders of wines
industr., construct. imperfection; abnormality
IT, dat.proc. exception
nat.sc., agric. degrade
pharma. Error
Fehl- adj.
econ. faulty
fehl adj.
tech. wrong
Fehl adj.
gen. moral fault
Fehl... adj.
tech. error
 German thesaurus
Fehler m -s, =
metrol. Nichterfüllung vorgegebener Forderungen durch einen Merkmalswert. Anmerkung: Der Begriff Fehler wurde auch in anderem Sinne verwendet, beispielsweise auf dem Gebiet der Messtechnik im Sinne einer Abweichung
Fehler der
: 66 phrases in 27 subjects
Foreign trade1
Health care2
Information technology3
Materials science1
Measuring instruments2
Optics branch of physics4
Procedural law1