
   Swedish English
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gen. resource
comp., MS asset
econ. good
IT access
proced.law. econ. fin. asset
account. reserves; assets and liabilities
econ. market. assets
environ. stock
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gen. to
| livsmedel
econ. foodstuff

tìllgång n ~en ~ar
gen. resource (Information or expertise to which enquirers, researchers, etc. may refer)
comp., MS asset (Anything owned or controlled by a business, tangible or intangible, that has monetary value and was acquired at a measurable cost)
econ. good
IT access
proced.law., econ., fin. asset
tìllgångar n
account. reserves; assets and liabilities
econ., market. assets
environ. stock trade, Stored products ready for sale
law, fin. funds