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центр затратstresses
gen. cost centre (A section of a firm whose costs and revenues are distinguished from those of other sections. If most costs and revenues can be reliably attributed to a particular cost centre, so that the profitability of each cost centre can be measured, this can be a valuable tool of management accounting. If costs and revenues cannot be reliably attributed and have to be distributed arbitrarily between cost centres, the whole process is liable to be a waste of time, or positively misleading. OE Alexander Demidov)
account. cost center; cost center (подразделение, деятельность которого оценивается сравнением плановых и фактических затрат (по которым ведётся учёт))
econ. production cost center
центр учёта затрат
O&G, sakh. account cost center (в финансовом учёте); cost center (в финансовом учёте)
oil cost center (в финансовом учете andrushin)
центры затрат
progr. cost centers (ssn)
центр затрат: 14 phrases in 5 subjects
Sakhalin R2