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стандартные формулировкиstresses
EBRD boilerplate (chiefly US writing that is cliched or expresses a generally accepted opinion or belief: he accepted Soviet boilerplate at face value. NOED Alexander Demidov)
law boilerplate language (Depending on the context, boilerplate language is a set of phrases, sentences, paragraphs and sometimes pages of text included in a document or response that has been pre-written. answers.com Alexander Demidov)
стандартная формулировка
EBRD standard text; standard language; boilerplate clause
math. standard formulation
pharma. reference language (напр., раздела инструкции по применению препарата, которую нужно адаптировать к местным нормам Игорь_2006)
стандартные формулировки
: 5 phrases in 5 subjects
Professional jargon1
United States1