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пункт договора
 пункт договора
dipl. clause of a treaty
econ. contract clause; clause of an agreement
law contractual clause; clause in contract; port of call
patents. clause of contract; article of convention
tech. contract item
 пункты договора
gen. treaty provisions
| относительно
gen. fairly
| регулирования
gen. regulation
| условий поставки
 условия поставки
gen. conditions of supply
| топлива
mil. inf. firewater
| на
gen. on
tech. thermal plant
| и
gen. and
| цен на топливо
 цена на топливо
avia. fuel price
| в
 hepatitis В surface antigen
biol. HBsAg
| зависим
gen. dependent
- only individual words found

to phrases
пункт договораstresses
busin. clause of a contract (Johnny Bravo)
dipl. clause of a treaty
econ. contract clause; clause of an agreement
el. clause
Gruzovik, law license term
law contractual clause; clause in contract; port of call (electron); paragraph (natalih)
patents. clause of contract; article of convention
tech. contract item
пункты договора
gen. treaty provisions
busin. articles of agreement
пункт договора относительно регулирования условий поставки топлива на ТЭС и цен на топливо в: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Energy industry1