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право распоряженияstresses
gen. control (This type of control over assets is not new, it goes back to medieval times when landlords went off to the crusades and left their lands in trust of monks for when ... | The right to private property was a crucial demand in early quests for political freedom and equality, and against feudal control of property. WK. ... of property ownership has generally meant that women cannot take advantage of the wide range of benefits associated with ownership and control of property. WK Alexander Demidov); disposition (1 [count] : the usual attitude or mood of a person or animal He always had a cheerful/nervous disposition. [=temperament, personality] It's nice to work with someone who has such a sunny disposition. [=who is usually cheerful] a dog with an excellent disposition 2 formal 2 a [singular] : a tendency to act or think in a particular way Her disposition was to always think negatively. He has a disposition toward criminal behavior. 2 b [count] : a tendency to develop a disease, condition, etc. people with a genetic disposition toward a particular disease 3 formal : the act or power of officially or legally giving land, possessions, etc., to someone [count] the philanthropist's charitable dispositions [=(less formally) donations] [noncount] A will is a legal document that is used in the disposition of property. 4 [count] formal : the way things are placed or arranged – usually singular; – often + of The map showed the disposition of troops on the border. MWALD Alexander Demidov); dispositive power (over shares – акциями Ремедиос_П)
busin. right of disposal
econ. right to dispose
law right of disposition; ius abutendi (одно из правомочий собственника по римскому праву Leonid Dzhepko); right to dispose of (a thing алешаBG)
notar. power of disposition
notar., lat. jus disponendi
 Russian thesaurus
право распоряжения
law предоставленная собственнику возможность по своему усмотрению и в своих интересах совершать действия, определяющие юридическую судьбу имущества. Эти правомочия тесно взаимосвязаны и лишь только в комплексе составляют юридическое содержание права собственности. Осуществляя право распоряжения собственник может принимать решения о постоянном продажа или временном сдача в наем выбытии вещи из состава своего имущества либо изменять юридический статус вещи без изъятия ее из хозяйственного использования например, ипотека. (Natalya Rovina)
право распоряжения: 61 phrases in 15 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Corporate governance1
Legal theory / Jurisprudence1
Notarial practice4