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пенять на себяstresses
gen. accept the consequences (также pay the consequences) If they won't cooperate, they'll have to accept the consequences. 4uzhoj); take one's chances (контекстуальный вариант) And if a [racing] car kills 50 spectators – fine, fuck them! Serves them right. They paid to get in, let them take their chances like everybody else! (c) George Carlin 4uzhoj)
inf. toast (If you don't get here in ten minutes, you're toast – Если ты не придешь через десять минут, то пеняй на себя VLZ_58)
пеняй на себя
gen. it's on you (Katherine718)
пеняй на себя!
gen. you have only yourself to blame! (Anglophile)
пенять на себя: 11 phrases in 4 subjects
Contextual meaning2