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остановочный путьstresses
auto. stopping distance (the distance that a driver is supposed to leave between their car and the one in front in order to be able to stop safely. LDCE; The maximum distance on any portion of any railroad which any train operating on such portion of railroad at its maximum authorized speed, will travel during a full service application of the brakes, between the point where such application is initiated and the point where the train comes to a stop. Transport Dict: Остановочный путь — это расстояние, которое проходит транспортное средство с момента обнаружения водителем препятствия до полной остановки. Остановочный путь включает в себя расстояние, пройденное автомобилем за время реакции водителя, и время срабатывания тормозной системы. • Stopping distances include the distance travelled while the driver notices a hazard and applies the brakes (thinking distance), and while the vehicle comes to a full stop from its initial speed (braking distance). Alexander Demidov)