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нейтрон-нейтронный каротаж по тепловым нейтронамstresses
geophys. thermal-decay-time logging (TDT. The Thermal Decay Time Log is a record of the rate of capture of thermal neutrons in a portion of formation after it is bombarded with a burst of 14-MeV neutrons. spwla.org Alexander Demidov)
O&G, oilfield. thermal neutron-neutron logging
Нейтрон-нейтронный каротаж по тепловым нейтронам
O&G Neutron Thermal-Neutron Logging (Johnny Bravo); Sidewall Neutron Porosity Logging (Johnny Bravo); SNP (Johnny Bravo)
нейтрон-нейтронный каротаж по тепловым нейтронам: 36 phrases in 6 subjects
Oil / petroleum8
Oil and gas5
Sakhalin R1