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writ largestresses
be writ large; writ small
gen. то же, что ..., только больше (A serious nonfiction book is not a piece of journalism writ large. • Even then, for many years after, the officers in charge of war plans portrayed the atomic bomb–and then the hydrogen bomb–as ordinary weapons, writ large.); то же, что ..., только в более крупных масштабах (It's a future of even bigger government, even more regulation, higher taxes, and a national version of progressive campus politics – in short, California writ large. • But in fact, Australia's fortunes went up and went down; we won some and we lost some; history is simply life writ large. • Madeleine Albright recently repeated a phrase I often use: "Fascism is not a political ideology." I usually add: "It is mental pathology writ large." salon.com 4uzhoj); увеличенная версия (чего-либо svonz); расширенная версия (чего-либо svonz); в целом (China's current rulers seem intent on establishing their country as the preponderant power in East Asia, and perhaps in Asia writ large. • "We're certainly concerned about the numbers ... but also just the trajectory of China's nuclear developments writ large," Chad Sbragia, deputy assistant secretary of defense for China, told reporters. • And what damage is that going to do to the legitimacy of the election writ large? • And as for the justice system writ large, it is overseen by professionals who graduated from elite American law schools. grafleonov); в ярко выраженной форме (Bribing people by way of tax allowances is the paternalistic state writ large. • This is a critical incident writ large of the type my colleagues and I have advised about, studied, and written about over a period of eight years. 4uzhoj); вообще (в знач. "в целом": His electrifying run from 2003 to 2005 remains an essential thread in the fabric of Trojans football and college football writ large, impossible to untangle from the rich histories of either. latimes.com 4uzhoj); ярко выраженный; явный; в общем (в знач. "в целом": "I suspect this case will do little to stem the tide of anti-conservative bias and treatment of conservative employees in corporate America writ large and Silicon Valley specifically," he told Fox News in an email. foxnews.com grafleonov); явственно читаемый (см. be writ large: The unspoken question was writ large upon Rose's face. 4uzhoj); усугублённый
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 English thesaurus
writ large
fig. magnified, on a large scale (Usage notes: Usually placed after the noun modified: Public behavior is merely private character writ large. • In the case of Malaysia, for instance, the regime depends not on "labour" writ large but specifically on the unorganised Malay masses. • It’s a future of even bigger government, even more regulation, higher taxes, and a national version of progressive campus politics — in short, California writ large. • Countries are just human beings writ large, and human beings, by and large, are a law-abiding bunch, because most of the time obeying those laws is convenient. wiktionary.org); readily discerned, unmistakably indicated (Usage notes: Usually placed after the noun modified: "You don't want to live down there!" everybody said, with disapprobation writ large upon their faces. • Meantime the old salt ("ex-coasting skipper" was writ large all over his person) had hobbled up alongside in his bumpy, shiny boots. • Bestsellerdom is writ large for this novel, sure to be greeted with rave reviews. wiktionary.org); on a larger scale or in a more prominent manner (the problems of modern totalitarianism are only our own problems writ large merriam-webster.com); made more obvious or prominent (...the effect of his irregular life could be seen writ large on his gaunt features. • That desire is writ large across Stevens’s recent output. • The rural-urban divide is a reality writ large across much of the nation, a crucial dynamic as the Nov. 3 election approaches. vocabulary.com); clear and obvious (the unspoken question was writ large upon Rose's face lexico.com); in a stark or exaggerated form (Bribing people by way of tax allowances is the paternalistic state writ large. lexico.com); clear to almost anyone (Surprise was writ large on her face. macmillandictionary.com); if you say that something is writ large, you mean that it is very obvious (Musicals' successes or failures are writ large because of the money involved. collinsdictionary.com); if you say that one thing is another thing writ large, you mean that the first thing is a larger or more exaggerated version of the second thing (Her life was her personality writ large. collinsdictionary.com)
writ large
: 7 phrases in 5 subjects
Contextual meaning1