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to phrases
я тебя прошуstresses
я вас прошу; я вас умоляю
emph. for god's sake (и другие вариации: for Christ's sake, for heaven's sake, for goodness' sake, for mercy's sake и т.д. 4uzhoj)
inf., mean.2 give me a break! (в знач. "вот только не надо мне сказки рассказывать", "ну кто в это поверит": "He says he went to Harvard." "Give me a break! I doubt he even graduated from high school!" 4uzhoj)
ironic. please ("OK, maybe it was a manhood thing." "Kovacs, please. You be serious. If you didn't notice them, how likely is it they were that low-grade?" Баян)
я тебя прошу!
inf. get a life! (Berezitsky)
я тебя прошу
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects