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штурмовик nstresses
gen. assaulter; member of an assault unit; Nazi storm trooper; stormer; strafing plane; battleplane; low-flying attack aircraft; storm trooper (in Nazi Germany)
Игорь Миг gunman
avia. attack plane; strike-fighter (Штурмовик - attack aircraft - предназначен для оказания непосредственной авиационной поддержки (нанесения ударов по наземным целям), в то время как strike fighter имеет двойное предназначение (способен вести воздушный бой. См. Strike fighters are dual-role tactical aircraft that are capable of both air-to-ground (strike) and air-to-air (fighter) combat operations (Congressional Research Service report https://sgp.fas.org/crs/weapons/RL30563.pdf) Razor47072); stormovik; close support fighter; ground-support fighter; strike aircraft
fant./sci-fi. gunship (Taras); bucket-head (имперский солдат-штурмовик Taras); buckethead (Taras); bucket head (Taras)
foreig.aff. ground-attack aircraft
Gruzovik, hist. Nazi storm trooper
Gruzovik, mil. stormer; member of an assault unit
Gruzovik, mil., avia. strafing plane
hist. shturmovik (только об Ил-2 4uzhoj); storm trooper; storm trooper (member of an assault detachment of the German Army during World War I, see Stormtrooper); stormtrooper (member of an assault detachment of the German Army during World War I ad_notam)
Makarov. flying tank (с сильной бронезащитой)
mil. strike fighter; ground-attack plane (Maksim Petrov); attack bomber (4uzhoj); close air support jet (Within Iraq, two squadrons of Fairchild A-10A Warthog close air support jets were deployed to forward operating bases at Tallil in the south of the country 4uzhoj); attack aircraft (An attack aircraft (also called a strike aircraft or attack bomber) is a tactical military aircraft that has a primary role of carrying out airstrikes with greater precision than bombers, and is prepared to encounter strong low-level air defenses while pressing the attack. This class of aircraft is designed mostly for close air support and naval air-to-surface missions, overlapping the tactical bomber mission. Designs dedicated to non-naval roles are often known as ground-attack aircraft 4uzhoj); assaultman (Alex_Odeychuk); ground attack aircraft
mil., avia. attack (plane); ground attack (aircraft); strike/attack (aircraft)
mil., lingo fast mover (Featus); can opener (MichaelBurov)
штурмови́к n
mil., lingo tin can opener (MichaelBurov)
штурмовики n
hist. stormtroopers (an assault detachment of the German Army during World War I kreecher); SA ((нем. Sturmabteilung) сокращённо СА, также известны как "коричневорубашечники" – военизированные формирования Национал-социалистической немецкой рабочей партии (НСДАП). Источник:: SA, abbreviation of Sturmabteilung (German: “Assault Division”), byname Storm Troopers or Brownshirts, German Sturmtruppen or Braunhemden, in the German Nazi Party, a paramilitary organization whose methods of violent intimidation played a key role in Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. britannica.com TanitaS)
самолёт- штурмовик n
mil. ground attack aircraft
 Russian thesaurus
штурмовик n
gen. боевой летательный аппарат самолёт, вертолет, предназначенный для поражения преимущественно с малых высот малоразмерных и подвижных наземных и морских целей. Имеет стрелково-пушечное вооружение, авиабомбы и ракеты. В 70-х гг. в качестве штурмовиков стали применяться вертолеты. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 120 phrases in 14 subjects
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