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verb | adjective | verb | to phrases
шокировать vstresses
gen. horrify; scandalize; make hair curl (кого-либо); offend sensibilities (кого-либо); shock delicacy (кого-либо); make sit up (кого-либо); make somebody sit up and take notice (Anglophile); go down like a bomb (Anglophile); appal (Anglophile); give a shock (кого-либо); gross out (Did the film gross you out? КГА); knock someone sideways (Ambrosia); freak (Telecaster); outrage; sicken; mind-blow; mind blow; knock my socks off (часто в позитивном смысле Valery Popyonov); throw for a loop (joyand); stupefy (VLZ_58); flabbergast (george serebryakov); shock sensibilities (кого-либо); deal a blow to (кого-либо zabic); leave speechless (I. Havkin); gobsmack (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik shock
Игорь Миг bewilder; be appalling; beggar belief; bowl over
idiom. shock to the core (Taras); hit like a ton of bricks (to shock you so much that you do not know how to react: The death of her father hit her like a ton of bricks Taras); make someone's hair curl (shock or horrify someone: Her recent love affair made everyone's hair curl Taras); knock down with a feather (VLZ_58); hit like a ton of bricks (z484z); cause eyebrows to raise (кого-либо; to elicit shock, surprise, or offense, typically through unconventional actions or words. The phrase typically suggests negative attention or judgment Taras)
inf. knock back (The news really knocked him back. VLZ_58); freak someone out (g e n n a d i)
jarg. floor (Taras)
Makarov. offend someone's sensibilities (кого-либо); wound sensibilities (кого-либо); bowl over; shake up; shock someone's sensibilities (кого-либо)
Makarov., inf. curl up
slang rock candy; rock; make someone's toes curl (Peri); curl one's toes (Peri); raise eyebrows
soc.med. disturb (Alex_Odeychuk)
vulg. goose (someone – кого-либо, напр., вызывающим поведением)
шокирующий adj.
gen. mind-blowing; staggering (Victor Parno); in-your-face (Anglophile); shocking (Anglophile); horrifying; mind blowing; lurid (Solidboss); harrowing (very shocking or frightening and making you feel very upset; It was a harrowing experience to see them drowning; a harrowing documentary on the horrors of war Taras); eye-opening (напр., eye-opening information – шокирующая информация Beloshapkina); gruesome (joyand); gross-out (North American informal Disgusting, repellent, or shocking.‘the movie features several gross-out scenes' Bullfinch); earth-shattering (Скоробогатов); striking (A.Rezvov); flabbergasting (news george serebryakov); jarring (agylshyn_oqy); disturbing (Баян); gut-wrenching (Taras); jolting (a jolting experience vogeler); rattling (Ремедиос_П); jarring (a jarring sight, sound, or experience is so different or unexpected that it has a strong and unpleasant effect on something or someone (Cambridge Dictionary): A few weeks ago she reported to police that someone had scribbled threats directed at her on the walls of her restaurant’s bathroom. But perhaps her most jarring experience was asking a difficult customer to leave, while she hosted a Christmas party at the restaurant. “He ended up pushing my husband and wanting to fight, repeatedly doing it, while my nine- and 11-year-olds were witnessing it,” she said. “I was just horrified.” vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг jaw-dropping; mouth-dropping; stunning
book. egregious (joyand)
fig. hard-hitting (Andrey Truhachev)
inf. whacky-ass (bigmaxus)
media. disturbing ("Some images presented on the following pages may be disturbing due to their violent or graphic nature." Yuri Ginsburg); appalling (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
slang dynamite
vulg. rat-fuck
шокированный prtc.
gen. shocked at something (чем-то); appalled by (Valoir); flabbergasted (george serebryakov); shell shocked (also: shell-shocked – very confused, upset, or exhausted because of something that has happened : very shocked Artjaazz); appalled (She was appalled to hear that her husband had been arrested Taras)
biol. shocked
fig. shell-shocked (Artjaazz)
slang shook shook up; freaked out (Interex); gobsmacked (VLZ_58)
шокирующе adj.
gen. gruesomely (Mira_G); shockingly (Anglophile)
inf. freakishly (katmor)
шокироваться v
Gruzovik, obs. be shocked
что-либо шокирующее adj.
inf. gasper (joyand)
 Russian thesaurus
шокировать v
gen. ставить в неудобное положение, смущать своим поведением, нарушением общепринятых норм приличия. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 88 phrases in 26 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Figure of speech1
Journalism terminology2
Mass media9
Real estate1
Social media1