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шмурдяк nstresses
explan. low-quality and cheap wine or spirit (jagr6880); surrogate wine, a mixture imitating the same (Vadim Rouminsky)
inf. cheap-assed wine (Don't know if it's from the Skippy's behind the wall, or the voices in my head commanding me open another bottle of cheap assed wine. 4uzhoj); rotgut (grafleonov)
mil., lingo torpedo juice (MichaelBurov)
slang thunderbird (fa158); Pete (Sneaky Pete: Cheap fortified wine, in particular the type drunk by winos on skid row such as Mad Dog, Night Train, and Thunderbird. Winos often "fortify" wine with other alcohol, including denatured alcohol such as rubbing alcohol and sterno urbandictionary.com 'More); hooch (Mikhail11)
 Russian thesaurus
шмурдяк n
slang, Ukraine суррогатный спиртной напиток, дешёвое, как правило, креплёное низкокачественное плодово-ягодное вино (wiktionary.org 'More)