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gen. bullshit; crud; complete nonsense (sinoslav); a load of old cobblers (Anglophile); utter nonsense (Alexander Demidov); rubbish; claptrap (Taras); bull shit
Игорь Миг shizit; fudge; utterly uninformed nonsense
brit. what a load of cack! (slitely_mad); a load of old cobblers (slitely_mad)
disappr. stuff and nonsense (igisheva)
idiom. nonsense on a stick (Баян)
inf. phony baloney (груб. Illika); dog's breakfast (Супру); a load of total bullshit (4uzhoj); a load of hooey (4uzhoj); a load of crap (4uzhoj); completely bonkers (это прилагательное!: It is all completely and insanely bonkers, and it leaves one wondering just what truth any of it has, and if it does, then what it was they encountered. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
irish.lang. fooked (Bull shit urbandictionary.com shapker)
nonstand. horse feathers (igisheva)
rude crap
slang ackamarackus (Anglophile); ackamaracka (Anglophile); a load of horse feathers (Anglophile); baloney (Taras)
slang, uncom. bullcrap (= bullshit matafix1)
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inf. what a load of crap! (ybelov)
rude that's a load of bullshit! (ART Vancouver); that's a bunch of bullshit! (ART Vancouver)
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: 6 phrases in 3 subjects