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чудак nstresses
gen. crank; odd fish; droll fellow; oddity; gay bird; odd card; queer bird; rum fellow; rummy fellow; cough drop; fantast; foul ball; kook; ratbag; crackpot; a queer specimen; freak; an odd bird; odd egg; queer card; queer customer; queer duck; queer specimen; queer stick; run customer; strange card; strange dude; strange fish; viewy person; maverick (Ewgenij71); an excentric man; queer rum devil; screw ball; bats in the belfry (Svetlana D); rare bird (Inchionette); odd bird (Alex Lilo); a funny little chap; a queer card; excentric; eccentric; original (о человеке); cure; jigger; erratic; squirrel; way out; headcase (КГА); lunatic (AlexandraM); odd fellow (SergeiAstrashevsky); queer fish; faddist; oddball; a queer chap; case; queer fellow; a rum fellow; woeful man; woful man; strange person; queer beggar; queer cove; rum customer; odd fellow (или "чудик": what an odd fellow he is! – какой он чудак! Andrew Goff); wingnut (Artjaazz); geezer
Игорь Миг jackass; cuckoo pants; kook-ball
amer. gink; dink (ssn); ding-a-ling (ssn); flake (a crazy or eccentric person Val_Ships); ditz (Val_Ships); airhead (Val_Ships)
amer., slang way-out
austral., inf. hatter
austral., slang a queer fish; dingbat; wacko
avunc. putz (Andrey Truhachev)
dipl. morons (на букву "м" Alex_Odeychuk)
idiom. quite a character (Bobrovska)
inf. character; codger; card; cranky; freck (Alex Lilo); strange customer (Andrey Truhachev); weirdo (Александр_10); cod; fruitcake; nerd (one of those nerds who never asked a girl to dance Val_Ships); weird guy (Ivan Pisarev); strange guy (Ivan Pisarev); strange character (Ivan Pisarev); caution
irish.lang. loola (Lana Falcon)
Makarov. an eccentric man; an original man; eccentric man; queer devil; rum devil
obs. quiz
slang nut; food for the squirrels; lamb; odd-ball; pretzel-bender; prune; psycho; schmoe; weirdy; weirdie; curer; curing; dude; dorf (Interex); fridge (He's a right fridge. Interex); ice cream (He's not bad old ice cream. Interex); queerdo (a blend of queer and weirdo, stronger and more vulgar form of weirdo, вульг., презрит. GrishaNechaev); dweeb (a dorky or nerdy person Val_Ships); freaky-deaky (Andy); oddbod (cool_chick); oddling (an odd person Кинопереводчик)
чудак. n
slang wackadoodle (ElenaNN)
Чудаки n
gen. Oddfellows (общество взаимопомощи с тайным ритуалом масонского типа в Великобритании в XVIII в.)
: 29 phrases in 12 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Foreign affairs1
United States1