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gen. photo session (Dim); photo opportunity (also known as photo op felog); photoshoot (shanon); shoot (Озерова Ольга); photo shoot session (VLZ_58); photo shoot (Dim); photography session (wooordhunt.ru kee46)
amer. photo-op (или показушная фотооперация; is a term that originated from the field of photography and refers to a planned or staged opportunity for taking photographs, typically for media coverage or publicity purposes. It is often used in the context of public relations, politics, or celebrity events, where individuals or organizations arrange and stage events or situations specifically for the purpose of generating favorable publicity through photographs. A photo-op is designed to create visually appealing images that can be used for media coverage, social media, or other forms of communication to convey a desired message, image, or narrative. It may involve carefully selecting the location, setting, props, and participants, as well as controlling the timing and circumstances of the event to create the most favorable visual impact. The term "photo-op" is often used in a somewhat derogatory or critical sense, suggesting that the event or situation is staged or contrived for public relations purposes, rather than being genuine or spontaneous. However, photo-ops are a common and widely used practice in various domains, including politics, entertainment, sports, and corporate communications, as a way to shape public perception and generate media attention: ...a trophy kid to pull out for photo-ops • Here, despite the photo-ops and the hugs and the local cuisine, the American president was simply not ready, willing or able, to give satisfaction to his colleagues, from capital to capital. Taras)
brit. photocall (с участием знаменитостей denghu)
law, ADR shooting session (Moonranger)
: 9 phrases in 3 subjects