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файл журнала
 файл журнала
comp. redo log file; log
comp., MS logging file; log file
IT journal; log file
progr. logfile
| повтора
gen. repeat; iteration; reduplication

to phrases
файл журналаstresses
comp. redo log file (Oracle Ding_an_sich); log (file, of a system activity, системы)
comp., MS logging file (Andy); log file (A file that stores messages generated by an application, service, or operating system. These messages are used to track the operations performed. Log files are usually plain text (ASCII) files and often have a .log extension)
IT journal; log file
progr. logfile (ssn)
файлы журналов
progr. log files (ssn)
файл журнала
: 37 phrases in 4 subjects
Information technology5
SAP tech.2