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утро вечера мудренееstresses
gen. things might look better in the morning; advise with your pillow; take counsel of pillow; have a sleep on it; the night brings counsel; to-morrow is another day; you can think better after a night's sleep; don't worry about tomorrow, it will take care of itself (4uzhoj); sleep on it! (ударение на последний слог: мудренЕе Anglophile); tomorrow is a new day; one needs to sleep on it
idiom. in the cold light of day (Abysslooker); fresh for the morrow; take counsel with your pillow; consult one's pillow (I'll consult my pillow anadyakov)
Makarov. an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening; tomorrow will be a new day
Makarov., proverb consult with pillow (букв.: советоваться со своей подушкой)
proverb consult with one's pillow; don't cross the bridges before you come to them; don't cross the bridges till you come to them; things always look better/brighter in the morning; take counsel of one's pillow; have a sleep on it (we'll see (and decide) in the morning); take counsel of your pillow; consult with your pillow; carry a matter to your pillow; night brings counsel; sleep brings counsel; fresh for the morrow!; in every country the sun rises in the morning; joy cometh in the morning; time will show a plan; morning brings counsel; morning brings wisdom; the morn is wiser than the evening; an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening (дословно: Один утренний час стоит двух вечерних); don't cross the bridges before you come to them (дословно: Не переходи мостов, пока до них не добрался. Смысл: не создавай себе трудностей заранее); take counsel of one's pillow (дословно: Советоваться со своей подушкой); slip on it!; morning is wiser than evening (Sergei Aprelikov); hour in the morning is worth two in the evening; sleep over it; let's see what the morning brings; fresh for the morrow; tomorrow is another day (VLZ_58); let the morn come (Nico_Robin)
saying. tomorrow is another day (мудренЕе Евгения Синкевич)
у́тро ве́чера мудрене́е
Gruzovik sleep on it; you can think better after a night's sleep
утро вечера мудренее
: 2 phrases in 1 subject