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уму непостижимоstresses
gen. the mind boggles (Putney Heath); it defies comprehension (Taras); it's a baffling problem (Taras); it doesn't make sense (Taras); the mind cannot grasp it; it's unfathomable (Taras); it's impossible to comprehend (Taras); it's impossible to explain (Taras); it's beyond human understanding (Taras); this is incredible (Taras); there's just no explaining how (what, etc Taras); it's absolutely unfathomable (Taras); it's beyond all understanding (Taras); it's beyond all belief (Taras); it defies understanding (Taras); it is mind-boggling (Taras); it's mind-boggling (Taras); mind reels (otlichnica_po_jizni); it's inconceivable (Taras); beyond all comprehension
Gruzovik it passes understanding
disappr. beyond my comprehension ("Everything is known, Colonel Walter," said Sherlock Holmes. "How an English gentleman could behave in such a manner is beyond my comprehension." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
fig.of.sp. it boggles the mind (Leonid Dzhepko); it is beyond me (Leonid Dzhepko); it boggles the mind (- Вот он всегда так, – ворчливо, но не без гордости проговорила Жена. – Сколько он этих тостов знает – ну просто уму непостижимо! – "He's always like that,' said the Wife, not without a note of pride in her voice despite its peevishness, 'there's no end to the toasts he has up his sleeve – it's enough to make the mind boggle!" Taras)
Gruzovik, inf. it is inconceivable; it is beyond human understanding
inf. it's inconceivable; it passes all understanding; can't wrap one's head around something (I just can't wrap my head around how he managed to get himself into this mess! Просто уму непостижимо как он сумел так вляпаться! russoturisto)
proverb it passes understanding (used as pred.)
уму непостижимо!
Игорь Миг cripes!
inf. amazing! (Abysslooker)
уму непостижимый
Игорь Миг jaw-dropping; end-of-the-world; undreamed-of; undreamt-of; dizzying
amer. inexplicable (an inexplicable desire for ice cream at two in the morning Val_Ships)
disappr. beyond belief (выражает возмущение: The level of corruption is beyond belief. Developers getting loans with taxpayers’ money to pave the way for the full scale destruction of neighborhoods. The de-zoning of the entire province? WFT is the government thinking? Changing the density WILL not bring prices down. The only thing it is and will accomplish is filling the pockets developers and of all levels of government. (cityhallwatch.wordpress.com) ART Vancouver)
fig.of.sp. mind-bending (Scientists achieve mind-bending 'quantum time flip' unexplained-mysteries.com MichaelBurov)
rhetor. mind-boggling (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
Уму непостижимо!
inf. it blows my mind! (IrynaS)
уму непостижимо
: 10 phrases in 5 subjects
Quotes and aphorisms1