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уловка nstresses
gen. ruse (The story was just a ruse to get her out of the house. cambridge.org); trick (don't know the trick of it, have not got the trick of it – не знаю, как это делается не знаю секрета); blind; expedient; shift; deceit; deception; fetch; game; gimmick; stratagem; circumvention; curve ball; put-off; starting-hole; artifice; circumvolution; elusion; games; joker; stealth; subterfuge; shuffle; fetcher; tweak; doubling; racket; racquet; riffing (costansin); manoeuvre (I. Havkin); quip (Taras); come-off; cunning (cognachennessy); gambit (cognachennessy); camouflage; dodge; wile; jink; twist; put off; starting hole; wiles; bushcraft (lady_west); sleight (Miss Martyshka); tergiversation (VLZ_58); feint (Liv Bliss); ploy; backsliding; catch (Thamior); ploylet (Victorian); sleight of hand (Elvi); come off; creep hole; machinery; manage; management; quirk; shuffling; sport
Игорь Миг prevarication
adv. device
amer. fake-out (Taras)
arch., Makarov. knack
austral., slang lurk
bank. loophole
busin. beating about the bush
chess.term. tactical move
dial. pawk; pauk
dipl. evasion; equivocation (bigmaxus)
fig. loop holers
idiom. red herring (с целью пустить следствие по ложному следу ART Vancouver)
inf. ploy (или хитрость; a cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one's own advantage Val_Ships); wheeze; wangle; rig; double-cross; catch (или хитрость: catch-22 Val_Ships)
law double
mar.law ruse
mil. stratаgem (Alexander Demidov)
obs. crank; jig; managery; packing; querk
scottish wimple
slang cutie; weinie; weener; weeney; weenie; weiner; wienie; wire; cutey
yiddish. shtick (SGints)
уловки n
gen. devious means; trick; feats of activity; wile; wiles; sophistry ("Drama, the art in which perspectives are brought into collision, is a powerful antidote to the sophistry and sensationalism nullifying our capacity for intelligent debate." – Charles McNulty, The Los Angeles Times, 31 Dec. 2017 VLZ_58); chicanery (He wasn't above using chicanery to win votes. VLZ_58); equivocation; tergiversation
Gruzovik arts (device, trick)
inf. sharp dealing (Pickman); mind games (попытки манипулировать: Your little mind games don't work on me. 4uzhoj); shenanigans (I'm fed up with your shenanigans. Why don't you tell me the truth for a change and act honestly? Taras)
obs. equivocalness
военная уловка n
mil. stratagem
: 162 phrases in 21 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Card games1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Figure of speech4
Mass media4
Vernacular language2