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gen. depart (by conveyance); drive away; dig out; take oneself off; sling off; pike (неожиданно); drive off; quit cold; take to the road; hurry away; hurry off; come away; take one's departure; go away; move away (съехать откуда-либо); bounce; go; be off (I'm off for New York today and I'll be away for three weeks, so most likely no blog updates. • I'm off to DC to spend a little time with my daughter, Molly, and her husband, Justin. 4uzhoj); be away; whip away; leave the place (they have left the place, nor shall we stay – они уехали, и мы тоже не останемся • Etta Burnett died in 1944, and her husband is understood to have left the place in 1946, renting it to the local postman.); be off; whip off; leave; move out (из города: Marcy from San Diego told Ian about a Michael Moore film she watched in which he interviewed a Native American leader in Arizona who predicted what she thinks was 9-11. According to March, the man warned "any of the tribe that have any relatives or know anybody in New York City to move out... because of massive fires and ashes falling and explosions, and everybody was going to die." -- уезжать оттуда coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); leave for (куда-л.)
Gruzovik go away (pf of уезжать)
austral., slang push off
explan. kick the bucket
idiom. dust out (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf. tootle off (Borita)
invect. dead ass (покинуть какое-то место, в том числе не по своей воле и сожалеть об этом)
Makarov. be away; have left (for; из); ride away
scottish, N.Ireland. offski (Gudini)
slang cold haul; cut and run; drag one's freight; fly the coop (тайком или скрываясь); hit the grit; kick off; kiss the dust; knock it; knock it off; leg; light out; peel out; poop out; pull one's freight; pull out; slough; trilby; vamoose; vamose; wing it; take a flyer (Interex); take a hike (Interex); take a walk (Interex); bunch; haul one's ashes; knock off; light (особенно быстро); pop off
неожиданно уехать v
inf. pike
: 411 phrases in 23 subjects
American usage, not spelling6
British usage, not spelling2
Explanatory translation1
Figure of speech1
Humorous / Jocular1
Obsolete / dated1
Uncommon / rare3
Welfare & Social Security1