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gen. go; depart (by conveyance); make off; dig out; take oneself off; move off; ride off; go off; pull out; take one's departure; go way; go ways; take departure; get away; get off; flit; start (куда-либо – for); be off; take leave; boogie; walk; move away; toddle; part; cut a path (Nrml Kss); be off (I'm off to DC to spend a little time with my daughter, Molly, and her husband, Justin. • I'm off for New York today and I'll be away for three weeks, so most likely no blog updates. 4uzhoj); leave; go away; go in; wander; beat feet; get going; hit the road; make oneself scarce
Gruzovik go away
amer. sky up (Taras)
austral., slang mooch off; nick off; rack off
inf. troop off; troop away; make tracks; be off (to – в / на: Randy and I are off to Europe from June 15 to July 5th. – уезжаем в Европу • "Off to the Sunshine Coast tomorrow. Can't wait to hike the trail to Smuggler Cove!" "I grew up near Sechelt." "That’s where I’m headed for the first few days." "Nice. Enjoy your trip!"-- Завтра уезжаю на Солнечный берег. ART Vancouver)
Makarov. depart from to (из); drive away; bear away; come away; come over (в другую страну); go out; have left (for; из); leave for (из, куда-либо); make one's departure; ride away
Makarov., inf. cut out
media. depart
obs. beleave
slang blow out; blow away; breeze; breeze off; ease on ease out; fade; fade away; flake out; nix out; punch out; shove off; slam off; truck; buzz along (Interex); shagoff (Interex); tootle along (Interex); kick out (Kids were so noisy during the show, that I had to kick them out. == Дети так шумели во время выступления, что я выставил их за дверь.); set out
уезжайте! v
gen. be off!
: 151 phrases in 17 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
British usage, not spelling1
Contextual meaning1
Figure of speech1
Obsolete / dated1