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трудная задача
 трудная задача
gen. baffling problem; poser; teaser; tickler; large order; tall order
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tech. ditto
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gen. brain teaser

to phrases
трудная задачаstresses
gen. baffling problem; poser; teaser; tickler; large order; tall order; back-breaker; puzzler; son of bitch; stumper; waffle; beast of a job; an uphill task; a tall order; the deuce and all to pay; the devil to pay; demanding task (mascot); toughy (Translucid Mushroom); Delian problem; back breaker; son of a bitch; sonof a bitch; sonofa bitch; hump; twister; challenging task (Taras); a hard nut; a stiff task; hard problem; the deuce and all to pay; tall task (England face tall task to beat Slovenia's goalkeeper Samir Handanovic VLZ_58); a hard nut to crack; uphill struggle (VLZ_58); significant challenge (Alex_Odeychuk); tough hill to climb (a tough hill The loss dropped the Lakers to 30-35 on the season, and they are now 6.5 games out of a playoff spot in the Western Conference, which will be a tough hill to climb with just 17 matchups remaining. george serebryakov); brain teaser (Taras)
Игорь Миг hard choices
amer. bloody murder; a hard row to hoe; uphill battle idiom (или ситуация; It will be an uphill battle for him to win the election given recent bad press coverage. Val_Ships)
amer., Makarov. blue murder
amer., slang funsie; funsey
austral., slang can of worms
avia., med. difficulty task
brit. bugger
busin. difficult task; challenge
dial. capper
dipl. hard task
idiom. difficult needle to thread (Журнализм, идиома. Подсмотрел в "Экономисте". CopperKettle)
inf. bitch (the stove is a bitch to fix Val_Ships)
ironic. fun and games
lat. pons asinorum
Makarov. a headache problem; a tough row to hoe; hard nut to crack; headache problem; heavy task; stiff problem; tough nut to crack; tough row to hoe; troublesome problem; uphill task; a tough nut to crack; arduous task
math. a challenging task; a challenge
mil. challenging operation
O&G challenge (сущ. serz)
railw. formidable task
rhetor. difficult challenge (Alex_Odeychuk)
slang real bitch; son of a gun (This is a really son of a gun job! == Это в самом деле хреновая работёнка!)
vulg. whiz-bitch; ball-breaker (a job or situation that is demanding and arduous and punishing ("Vietnam was a ball-breaker") – трудновыполнимая, как правило, неприятная работа)
NP-трудная задача
el. nondeterministic polynomial time hard; NPH problem
progr. nondeterministic polynomial time hard problem (ssn)
чрезвычайно трудная задача
gen. daunting task (Harry Johnson)
трудная задача: 79 phrases in 18 subjects
American usage, not spelling4
Human resources1
Information security and data protection3
Security systems1