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gen. bulge at the seams; creak at the seams (Nat); fall apart at the seams (Anglophile); come apart at the seams (Her story was coming apart at the seams. • Politically, the country was coming apart at the seams. Anglophile); burst at the seams (The popular Burnaby North secondary school is bursting at the seams – the school district decided to limit Grade 8 enrolment, accepting only siblings of current students and students in district programs such as hockey academy and the international program. ART Vancouver); be creaking at the seams (Ireland's transport network is creaking at the seams due to lack of investment – Belfast Telegraph Tamerlane); be creaking around the seams (AAR believe that ‘the current model is creaking around the seams, if not already broken' – by Andy Penfold Tamerlane); crack at every point (Taras); be going to pieces (Taras); be cracking at the joints (Taras); crumble on all sides (Taras); be shaken to the core (Taras); heading for ruin (Taras); be collapsing (Taras); be fraying at the seams (Even before the U.S. withdrawal, the Afghan government and security forces were fraying at the seams," said John Ciorciari, director of the International Policy and Weiser Diplomacy Center at the University of Michigan's School of Public Policy Tamerlane); disintegrate (Ivan Pisarev); crack at the seams (Ivan Pisarev); get rocky (Ivan Pisarev); get trashed (Ivan Pisarev); start fracturing (Ivan Pisarev); sputter (Ivan Pisarev); go to pieces (Ivan Pisarev); show cracks (Ivan Pisarev); turn upside down (Ivan Pisarev); fall apart (Ivan Pisarev); erode (Ivan Pisarev); be torn to pieces (Ivan Pisarev); pop at the seams (Ivan Pisarev); begin to unravel (Ivan Pisarev); break down (Ivan Pisarev); crumble (Ivan Pisarev); get bumpy (Ivan Pisarev); cracks unfold (Ivan Pisarev); leak badly at the seams (Ivan Pisarev); be clobbered (Ivan Pisarev); come asunder (Ivan Pisarev); have cracks (Ivan Pisarev); come off (Ivan Pisarev)
fig. come unglued (igisheva)
fig.of.sp. be on the verge of collapse (Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik, fig. go to pieces
inf. not to hold water (MingNa)
Makarov., inf. be bulging at the seams; be bursting at the seams; be coming apart at the seams; be falling at the seams
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gen. come apart at the seams
Игорь Миг tank
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fig. spavined (VLZ_58)
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idiom. bulging at the seams (Dultzin)
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