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трепло nstresses
gen. motormouth (Anglophile); bigmouth; rattle-brain (Anglophile); gabster (Anglophile); babbler (Супру); talker (Супру); full of crap (driven); yap; prater; ratchet jaw; windblower (4uzhoj); chatterbox (my seat companion was a chatterbox who never once shut up during the whole trip vogeler)
amer. blowhard (Anglophile); fat-mouth (Anglophile); windbag (a person who talks at length but says little of value Val_Ships)
amer., inf. loudmouth
austral. skite
austral., slang gasbag
contempt. shitbag (4uzhoj)
disappr. paper asshole (PanKotskiy); man with a paper asshole (PanKotskiy)
fig. hot air balloon (VLZ_58)
Gruzovik, dial. tow scutcher (= трепало); swingle (= трепало); beater (в знач. "трепало")
Gruzovik, inf. boastful person (masc and fem)
idiom. have a big mouth (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf. barber's cat; bag of wind (Anglophile); chatterer; windbag; blabbermouth (Taras); bullshit artist (SirReal); wannabe (Andrey Truhachev); gabby (Vadim Rouminsky); all talk and no walk (Taras)
nonstand. bobber
rude bullshitter (george serebryakov); flake (4uzhoj)
slang windy; yapper (Putney Heath); a blabbermouth (Laurenef); trippin' (Elian); big mouth (Mirinare); yenta mouth (Vmosk); hoo (VLZ_58); gobshite (КГА); bull-thrower (bigmouth (noun, loudmouth) joe_barb); flake (A personal favorite slang term for an unreliable person is a flake. A flake says they are going to do something and then they don't follow through. The definition is not limited to promise breaking, however.: "Трепло у нас военачальники, тупое и немощное трепло." stackexchange.com ART Vancouver); bigmouth (Frank is a bigmouth who cannot be trusted. == Фрэнк - трепло, ему нельзя доверять.)
uncom. renegger (If it is someone who regularly makes promises and doesn't live up to them they are a renegger 4uzhoj)
: 7 phrases in 5 subjects