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verb | verb | to phrases
тревожить vstresses
gen. alarm; concern; concernment; discomfort; disease; disorder; be not so disquiet; distract; disturb; flurry; flutter; gall; interpel; invade; molest; pain; ruff; sit upon one's skirts (кого-л.); turmoil; disrupt; disquiet; trouble; afflict; discompose; harass (неприятеля); fright; discommode; distress; exercise; perturb; keep on the alert; dismay; harry; press (on, upon); perturbate; eat crow; eat dirt; faze (mazurov); beset (Ista); disquieten; bother (secrecy is an issue which bothers journalists Rus7); worry; ail; reck; roust; ruffle; harrow (Notburga); interrupt; cause concern (Morning93); take out
Gruzovik disturb; alarm; cause anxiety to
Игорь Миг unsettle; give pause; give pause to
amer. feeze
austral., slang eat
dial., UK worrit
fig. haunt (о мыслях и т.п.)
inf. freak someone out (VLZ_58)
Makarov. fret; alarm (someone – кого-либо); make anxious; make uneasy; press on; press upon
obs. disaccommodate; flur; interpeal; larum; uncalm
psychol. haunt; violate; bring about distress (financial-engineer)
slang on someone's back; yank (Interex)
Игорь Миг, inf. give a headache
тревожиться v
gen. worry; care; trouble; be in anxiety about (о чём-либо); be in fear; vex oneself about (о ком-либо); pother (Pippy-Longstocking); be in a flap; be alarmed; be uneasy; become anxious; become worried; bother oneself; disquiet; disturb; get nervous; interrupt; trouble oneself; alarm; concern; mind; alarm one's self; concernment; have at heart; be in pain; turmoil; become alarmed
Gruzovik be anxious (impf of встревожиться); worry oneself (impf of потревожиться)
Игорь Миг fret over; be antsy
austral., slang be in hot water
inf. get the needle; labor (на счёт чего); labour (на счёт чего); laboring (на счёт чего)
Makarov. be up in the air; be in the air; feel alarm; feel uneasy; trouble about; trouble over
slang sweat
sport. get excited (Александр Рыжов; get excited имеет положительный оттенок SirReal; не всегда положительный оттенок AlexandraM)
тревожиться за кого-либо, о чём-либо v
Makarov. be anxious about someone, something
: 125 phrases in 13 subjects
Cliche / convention1
Journalism terminology1
Mass media2
Obsolete / dated1