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топтаться на местеstresses
gen. hang about; stand pat (Anglophile); go around in a circle (Anglophile); go round in a circle (Anglophile); go around in circles (Anglophile); go round in circles (Anglophile); make no headway (Anglophile); flail around (Olga Dulneva); in a circle; hover (в ожидании, нерешительности); jib (обыкн. о лошади и т. п.); mill about/around (Liv Bliss); keep shifting from one foot to the other (Lewis Carrol, Alice in Wonderlad: he kept shifting from one foot to the other Olgaglu.olgaglu); tread in place (I mean, we're working more hours than ever before, but it kinda seems like for many of us, we're treading in place youtube.com Mr. Wolf)
Игорь Миг kick the can down the road
agric. jib (о лошади)
amer. spin one's wheels (lexicographer)
disappr. tread water (АБ Berezitsky)
fig. mark time (She had met plenty of lazy professionals in her time, people content to mark time until retirement, but none of them had still been athletic in their mid forties.)
idiom. run in place (jouris-t)
Makarov. gib; tick over; be marking time; make no progress; run around in circles; run round in circles; shift from one foot to another
Makarov., inf. hang around; hang round
slang mark time (ничего не предпринимать: Sergeant Timothy ordered his platoon soldiers to mark time as a punishment. == Сержант Тимоти приказал своим солдатам в качестве наказания маршировать на месте.)
"топтаться на месте"
gen. grind on (MissTN)
топтаться на месте
: 11 phrases in 3 subjects
American usage, not spelling1