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тактовая частота
 тактовая частота
astronaut. synchronous clock frequency
biol. beat frequency
comp. clock
el. clocking rate; toggle frequency
IT clock speed
tech. clock frequency; timing frequency
telecom. bit-timing frequency
 тактовые частоты
el. clock frequencies
| ЦП
IT central processor

to phrases
тактовая частотаstresses
astronaut. synchronous clock frequency
automat. stroking frequency (ssn)
biol. beat frequency (используется при описании явлений, связанных с чувством времени corach)
comp. clock (MichaelBurov); speed of the electronic clock (ssn); clockrate (ssn); clockspeed (ssn); clock pulse rate; timing pulse rate
comp., MS clock rate (The speed at which the internal clock in an electronic device oscillates. In computers, each tick (oscillation) of the clock is called a cycle, and the clock rate is measured in megahertz, or millions of cycles per second. The clock rate determines how quickly the CPU can execute basic instructions, such as adding two numbers, and it is used to synchronize the activities of various components in the system); clock speed (The speed at which the internal clock in an electronic device oscillates. In computers, each tick (oscillation) of the clock is called a cycle, and the clock rate is measured in megahertz, or millions of cycles per second. The clock rate determines how quickly the CPU can execute basic instructions, such as adding two numbers, and it is used to synchronize the activities of various components in the system)
comp.games. tickrate (тактовая частота сервера – скорость, с которой сервер отправляет обновления игры клиентам Featus)
el. clocking rate; toggle frequency
IT clock speed
media. clock rate (число импульсов в секунду, получаемых от генератора тактовых импульсов, скорость внутреннего таймера микропроцессора, задающая шаг, с которым проходят операции во внутрикомпьютерной цепи); clock speed (число импульсов в секунду, получаемых от генератора тактовых импульсов, скорость внутреннего таймера микропроцессора, задающая шаг, с которым проходят операции во внутрикомпьютерной цепи)
progr. system clock (ssn); bit timing frequency (ssn)
tech. clock frequency; timing frequency; clock rate
telecom. bit-timing frequency
тактовые частоты
el. clock frequencies (ssn)
telecom. clock frequency (oleg.vigodsky)
тактовая частота TMDS
telecom. TMDS clock (Sergey Old Soldier)
тактовая частота
: 161 phrases in 16 subjects
Automated equipment1
Computer networks1
Information technology22
Mass media34