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с меня хватитstresses
с меня довольно
gen. I'm over (Semelina); I am fed up; I have sufficient; I have had enough (Anglophile); that's it for me (раздражённо: That's it for me! ART Vancouver); I've had enough!
austral. I've had a gutful of this
brit., mean.3 that's done it (I've had it; that's more than I can tolerate: OK, that's done it, I'm calling the police—it's 2 AM and that party is still blasting music! 4uzhoj)
chat. I've had enough (ArchiZ)
inf. never again (Abysslooker); I'd had it (надоело / достало coltuclu); I'm done (hizman); spare me (if you just don't want to hear it anymore: spare me all that crap Val_Ships); no more Mr Nice Guy (Tion); I am done (vatnik); call it quits (After the encounter with the town and this woman, we had enough and called it quits. We turned on the interstate as soon as we found it, and headed north and home. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
Makarov. I've had my fill of it
с меня хватит!
gen. I'm off! (Lana Falcon); enough is enough (artery)
emph. enough already! (Enough already! I don’t know how many of us living in Central and Lower Lonsdale are woken up each night with the sound of street racers and cars with turbos, but I’ll bet it’s in the hundreds. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
idiom. I've had it! (Pier)
inf. I'm sick and tired! (Andrey Truhachev)
slang that tears it! (Well, that tears it! I'm leaving! george serebryakov)
с меня хватит
: 8 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Contextual meaning1