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verb | verb | to phrases
стушеваться vstresses
gen. draw in one's horns; take a back seat; melt into background; pull in horns; get embarrassed (Anglophile); lose one's nerve (Anglophile); become flustered (Anglophile); efface oneself; merge into the background (Telecaster); be having it (Beforeyouaccuseme)
Gruzovik, arts. shade off (pf of стушёвываться)
Gruzovik, inf. fade away (pf of стушёвываться); be embarrassed (pf of стушёвываться); melt away (pf of стушёвываться); keep in the background (pf of стушёвываться); retire to the background (pf of стушёвываться)
Gruzovik, obs. disappear (pf of стушёвываться); vanish (pf of стушёвываться)
idiom. sing small (Taras)
inf. keep in the background; lose nerve; melt away; retire to the background; vanish; get intimidated (Oh God, I'm gonna be singing on a Beach Boys record or something, you know! I got a bit kind of intimidated and thought, ‘Okay, here goes nothing' Lily Snape); become indistinct; withdraw into the background; be overshadowed (with перед, by)
Makarov. melt into the background; draw in horns; melt into the background
стушевать v
fig., inf. smooth over; soften
Gruzovik, arts. shade off (pf of стушёвывать)
Gruzovik, fig. smooth over (pf of стушёвывать); soften (pf of стушёвывать)
 Russian thesaurus
стушеваться v
lit. см. тж. ретироваться ("Генерал тотчас же стушевался куда-то в угол." Достоевский. 4uzhoj)
: 6 phrases in 4 subjects
Bookish / literary1