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страховые выплатыstresses
gen. coverage (4uzhoj); insurance proceeds (Alexander Demidov); insurance monies (While adequate insurance cover may soften the blow, the insurance monies received will need to be recognised in the accounts and will have ... Alexander Demidov)
busin. insurance payouts (NB: payments – это то, что платит страхователь страховщику // Е. Тамарченко, 24.09.2019 Евгений Тамарченко)
econ. income insurance (например, пособия по безработице: This type of policy also entails making social insurance programmes more generous so that when the economy falls, more income insurance is provided. A.Rezvov)
insur. payment of claims; insurance premiums (Sakhalin Energy)
tax. insurance payments
страховая выплата
gen. insurance (1) a practice or arrangement by which a company or the state undertakes to provide a guarantee of compensation for specified loss, damage, illness, or death in return for payment of a specified premium: many new borrowers take out insurance against unemployment or sickness. 2) n the business of providing such an arrangement: Howard is in insurance. a) n money paid for this: my insurance has gone up. b) n money PAID OUT as compensation under such an arrangement: when will I be able to collect the insurance? c) n [COUNT NOUN] an insurance policy. NOED Alexander Demidov); payout of insurance (Alexander Demidov); insurance payout (more hits Alexander Demidov); insurance payout. (more hits Alexander Demidov)
EBRD insurance compensation; insurance indemnity; insurance claim
econ. payout (SergeyL)
insur. insurance benefit (Example: When the insurer takes a positive decision to pay out an insurance benefit, the given benefit shall be paid out within 10 working days from the date of receipt by the insurer of all the documents. (Перевод: При принятии страховщиком положительного решения о страховой выплате данная выплата осуществляется в течение 10 рабочих дней с даты получения страховщиком всех документов. Пазенко Георгий); insurance settlement (tfennell); insurance claim settlement (tfennell); insurance settlement payment (tfennell); payment of insurance (алешаBG); indemnification (mphto); benefit payment (LadaP); benefit
med. insurance reimbursement (inspirado)
страховые выплаты
: 162 phrases in 16 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development3
Maritime law & Law of the Sea1
SAP tech.2