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verb | verb | to phrases
стекать vstresses
gen. trickle down (kee46); run down (о жидкостях); slip off; flow; drain (в реку); distil; stream down; cascade; gutter (о свечах); drip; fall (о жидких материалах, веществах и т.п.) The first drop of oil falls from the lower opening of the cup. I. Havkin); exude (Moisture exuded from the walls of the cave. VLZ_58)
Gruzovik stream down (impf of стечь)
acl. be refluxed (в виде флегмы igisheva)
agric. flow down; drain away; drain off; flow off
auto. drop off; overflow
avia. be trailed (о вихрях)
construct. dripple
dril. run out; seep
food.ind. flew off
idiom. trickle off (с поверхности чего-либо Victorian)
leath. drain; sipe
Makarov. sink; slip; be trailed
mil., arm.veh. wash down
nat.res. discharge
oil leak off; leak; run down; run off
phys. reflux
polym. gravitate
railw. leak through
road.wrk. run-off
tech. shed (Метран)
water.res. run out (о воде)
стекаться v
gen. flock; gather; floc; flow; accumulate; throng; join; flow in; pour (Afterward, hundreds of demonstrators poured into the area around a bus station where the damaged bus was taken on the western outskirts of Kandahar. 4uzhoj); overflow; rout
Gruzovik run together (impf of стечься)
geol. converge
Makarov. flow together; flock together
poetic conflow (о людях)
давать стекать v
met. drain
: 48 phrases in 12 subjects
Alcohol distilling1
Armored vehicles1
Obsolete / dated1
Oil / petroleum1
Pulp and paper industry1