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соседи сверхуstresses
соседи снизу
AmE upstairs neighbors (4uzhoj); neighbors from upstairs (4uzhoj); neighbors upstairs (I can hear my neighbors upstairs doing it almost every night. 4uzhoj)
BrE upstairs neighbours; neighbours from upstairs; neighbours upstairs (I had this problem with the neighbours upstairs.)
сосед сверху
gen. upstairs neighbour (A couple in the Burquitlam area (...) put out some planters on their condo patio. One day their upstairs neighbour hosed down his patio and all of his cigarette butts ran down to their patio, creating a disgusting mess. burnabynow.com ART Vancouver)
inf. upstairs neighbor (We ended up calling the police for an upstairs neighbor. // On my best friend's first day of college, she discovered she had the worst upstairs neighbor. 4uzhoj)
соседи сверху
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