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verb | verb | to phrases
сообразить vstresses
gen. understand; wise up; gather wits; size up (Interex); ponder; take into consideration; think out; consider; weigh; think; grasp; savvy; sink in (Taras); have the sense (to); suss out (we've sussed out how to open the lock Рина Грант); be quick-witted
Gruzovik ponder (pf of соображать); take into consideration (pf of соображать); think out; have the sense to (pf of соображать); realize (pf of соображать)
Gruzovik, inf. conceive; devise; arrange; think up; have a drink; club together to buy a bottle of liquor
Gruzovik, obs. correlate (pf of соображать); compare with (pf of соображать); adapt to (pf of соображать); coordinate with (pf of соображать)
idiom. put two and two together
inf. wrap one's head around (как что-то работает и т.п. Баян); arrange; think up; club together to buy a bottle of liquor; device; have a drink; know; cotton on to (Andrey Truhachev); whip together (They had little time to whip a plan together. VLZ_58); fix (в знач. "приготовить": Oh, Emma dear, can you fix us some coffee? • Can you fix us some supper? 4uzhoj); figure out (Siegel and fellow gangster Meyer Lansky called the leaders of the largest gangs in the country to join them in Las Vegas. "They were smart enough to have figured out that a casino all by itself will not be near as profitable as it will be if there's a bunch of them together," Friedman said. – Они были достаточно умны, чтобы сообразить, что ... coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); know smth. about (a subject)
Makarov. get wise to something
math. figure out; comprehend
obs. adapt (to); coordinate (with); correlate; compare (with)
slang get jeny; whip up; put someone wise; get wise (to become aware of the true facts or circumstances (US slang) (Collins Dictionary): 'Funny how all those stories regarding dirty money have disappeared – wonder why?' 'Because folks eventually got wise that most of those stories were nonsense. It makes sense to think the simplest explanation is the most plausible. ' – люди сообразили / поняли / уразумели / раскусили / смекнули / до них дошло ART Vancouver)
сообразиться v
Gruzovik, obs. consider; adapt oneself to (pf of соображаться); conform to (pf of соображаться); think over; understand
obs. adapt oneself (to); conform (to); think over; understand
: 31 phrases in 8 subjects
Figure of speech1