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снимать с вооруженияstresses
gen. decommission; drop from the arsenal (Raz_Sv)
Makarov. retire a weapon
mil. phase out (по этапам); discard a weapon from service; ditch; drop from operation; phase out; remove from inventory; withdraw from service; zero out (Butterfly812); obsolete a weapon; discard a weapon; discard; phase out of service (по этапам); wash out; disactivate
mil., inf. fade out; scrap
mil., lingo junk (MichaelBurov)
снимать что-нибудь с вооружения
gen. retire from service; take out of service
снимать оружие с вооружения
gen. retire a weapon
снимать с вооружения
: 9 phrases in 3 subjects